“Well, when we were on our way back
from our trip, we stopped and- Hey! Look!” Aeglos pointed up at the sky.
There, against the clear blue-grey of
a winter sky, a blue streak was bolting straight at them. It came faster and
faster, then, just as it was about to hit the ground, two wings popped out and phwoosh!
a small dragon was there, floating upright in the air and gently landing on the
ground. He was greeted with an explosion of exclamations.
“Titan!" Aeglos shouted. Then, looking at the wizard, "He's what we were waiting
“You made it!”
“We were wondering when you were
going to get here! How did you drop down so fast?! I can’t even do that!”
“How do you like the snow?”
The wizard chuckled, “Whoa, boys,
slow down. I think he can only answer one question at a time.”
"It would have been great! They like music! I can't believe you kept hiding my guitar while we were there." protested Blueberry.
“I had to try to hold the
two of them apart while they ‘debated’ that time,” added Flicker.

“Yeah, but it’s great, isn’t it? Look
what you can do with it!” exclaimed Blueberry, as he made a snowball and threw
it at Aeglos, just missing as Aeglos ducked.
“And remember how we told you about
igloos?” said Aeglos. “We built one the other day. Want to see it? You can help
us make it a double-decker.”
The wizard laughed and said, “Well, I’ll
leave you to catch up. Come on in when you get cold. Do you need anything to
eat, Titan?”
Titan said, “Yes, please!” so they
all got some food and Christmas cookies first, then went and explored, introduced
Titan to the other dragons and other animals, and spent a lot of time together
over the next month, swapping stories, snowballing, igloo-building, sliding on ice, and doing all
sorts of fun winter activities.